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Why "locandieri"?

Because the eno-gastronomic philosophy by which we have been inspired and guided is conditioned by the name LOCANDA, a word that with its Latin origin refers us to something that must be "rented," that is, rented and "made available" both at the level of rooms and at the level of the table

The word and the concept goes back, precisely, to Roman times: as they developed an incredible network of roads, they created Locandus there for a quick meal or rooms for rest, or in the Middle Ages they served to give hospitality to wayfarers on their "journey." By principle and definition, the inn offers friendly, welcoming service that makes you feel at home; By "home," however, is to be understood as personalized attention to each patron; Being a devotee of "family simplicity" means neither superficiality nor lack of professional skill; rather, it is that "human touch" that adds warmth to the stop along the way.

we believe that "hosting" means opening up, taking care of everything down to the smallest detail, offering original spaces, endowed with personality, ours, the one that sets us apart.We are simple people and believe in honesty, making creativity, intuition and rationality work shoulder to shoulder; just as our family has taught us in about 54 years of uninterrupted activity.Also included in the concept of "Inn" is the necessary and indispensable attention to the "local," intense both as raw material to be processed and prepared for patrons; and as inclusion and respect for the traditions of the land that hosts and welcomes us ,respecting it and preserving its fruits.The word "inn" comes close to the word "home" because yes, you will be our guests but at home at least that is how we imagine to welcome you

From generation to generation

nel 1997 ci siamo trovati di fronte ad una sfida importante e motivante: raccogliere le redini della gestione avviata con sacrificio e impegno dai nostri genitori partiti nell’oramai lontano 1968.“Cos’è che vogliamo offrire?”, ci siamo subito chiesti. Una domanda che non ha avuto una risposta immediata, ma una riflessione costante, che dura ancora oggi e ci guida nella filosofia dell’accoglienza, che abbiamo fatto nostra. Uscendo dalla nostra locanda che sarà per uno, due o più giorni la vostra "casa", sarete avvolti dal fascino e dall’eleganza storica dall’antico centro di Sulmona, tra un sorriso accogliente e la proverbiale gentilezza degli abruzzesi, non si giunge in un luogo di soggiorno, ma ci s’immerge in un’atmosfera fatta di calore, vita, persone.Abbiamo curato CasaBono per renderla un punto d’incontro tra gli Ospiti e la Città, con la sua gente dal carattere gioviale. Vogliamo far vivere a pieno “un’esperienza italiana” in cui i richiami all’arte si assaporano sorseggi
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